Note: This is an Amazon internal event, and is Amazon Confidential. Do not share any part of this site or its pages externally.
Here we go!
Use the form below to upload your quilt square! We will resize and crop your image into a square, which you can preview before you hit upload. Here's some hot tips for a good looking square:
- DO: Have fun! Go nuts and let your freak flag fly. The theme is PURPLE so whatever you think best represents you or your loved one and has some purple in it goes! Just keep it family friendly, please.
- DO: Participate even if you don't want to or are unable to donate to Wear it Purple.
- DO: Keep your images smaller than 10mb. The image must also be encoded as JPEG only, otherwise we will not use it.
- DO: Pre-crop your images. They don't have to be a square if you're not sure how. But, be warned...we will automatically center and crop rectangles into quilt squares for you. Use the quilt square preview as a guide.
This event is all about raising visibility! We don't plan to use your image or likeness for anything other than the quilt, but please be aware the finished quilt may be shared with any and all Amazonians and their loved ones, as a sign of solidarity for ANZ's queer youth.